Guides Australia held its 2nd Annual Guide Forum on the 9th August 2019 at the Adina Hotel Sydney.
Another successful and informative Guide Forum.
Overview of the day;
- Company history and future vision of Guides Australia as part of “The Bob Wood Group” with General Manager Kiri Braid
- Guest speakers Denise & Melissa from Workplace Central
- Special Key Note Speaker Tammy Marshall, Founder & Managing Director of The B Hive
- Safety with St Johns Ambulance
- Updates from Bridge Climb -Sydney
Kiri shared an insight into the history and why the Bob Wood Group has successfully grown. The Tour Directors were informed on the future vision for Guides Australia.
Guides Australia aim to be a market leader in the field of delivering outstanding tours for all passengers. This will result in growth and creating more opportunities for all our team.
Guides Australia have recently brought on a new Labor Hire Company. The decision to work with the team at Workplace Central came about due to all the changes to super legislation.
This prompted us to look deeper into things and soon discovered we needed their expert help with HR and payroll for the 350+ guides we have across Australia.
Denise & Melissa delved into what it now means to be an employee.
Key Note Speaker Tammy Marshall was the standout highlight of the day. Tammy used her experience as a guide to challenge our Tour Directors and get them thinking about the way they plan their commentary and tips on “The Art of Story Telling”

Tammy worked with the Tour Directors on;
- Guest Expectations
- Guides Understand
- What makes a good story?
- Essential Skills
- Story telling process
- Know your guests
- Core message
- Intention Impact
- Call to action
- Build your story
Wayne Snell from St Johns Ambulance joined us for a safety lesson. Wayne tailored his talk to situations our Tour Directors might come across on the road. He was very informative and we all took something away from this session.
The day finished with a visit from Bridge Climb- Sydney. They provided a sales update, gave tips to help our Tour Directors understand the changes made since the new management have taken over.
A very informative session and everyone walked away learning something new! The next Guide Forum is already in planning stages and we can”t wait to lock in some great Key Note Speakers to help our Tour Guides and hope to see more new and familiar faces next year!