Hosted by your Guide Managers – Vannessa & Rebeccah
Guides Australia are excited about their up and coming Guide Forum in Sydney on the 9th August 2019 at the Adina Darling Harbour.
This year’s Guide Forum is based on The Art of Storytelling!
The Guide Forum is a place for our Tour Directors to come together and learn lifelong skills. This is a fantastic opportunity for our Tour Directors to share insights, connect with others and learn new tips/tricks developed over the last season and of course, continuing to deliver their best to visitors to Australia.
The forum will be hosting a line-up of special guest speakers including Tammy Marshall, Denise Billsborough and Kiri Braid, plus more. Here is a little bit of background about our special guests.
Tammy Marshall is the Founder and Managing Director of The B Hive. A business transformation consultancy specialising in the Hospitality, Leisure, Lifestyle and Tourism sectors. Tammy has a strong connection with the start-up community acting as a Senior Advisor for Slingshot, Australia’s leading corporate accelerator and currently sits on the advisory board for Laurette University. She is the Australian Ambassador for the World Innovation Forum and is also a Non-Executive Director for Youth Hostel International (YHA) and Yankee Leisure Group, a global travel company operating Yankee Holidays, Amtrak Vacations and Railbookers.
Denise Billsborough from Workplace Central will be joining us and telling their Workplace Central story. Denise has worked for the Company for over seven years and in that time, has partnered a variety of Client’s in a number of industries and hundreds of employees. Guides Australia have made recent changes and she will be there to answer the Tour Director’s questions.
Kiri Braid originally started out as the Guide Manager for Guides Australia. She has been with The Bob Wood Group since 2013, and has been a part of the growth and development of The Bob Wood Group. Kiri is now the General Manager of Sales and Client Communications of the company. With a vast understanding of travel and tourism, as well as a passion for people, Kiri takes great pride in ensuring that each and every international traveller to Australia leaves with an everlasting positive experience.
For more information contact the team at Guides Australia guide@guidesaustralia.com.au.
It is set to be a great day with our Tour Directors!